Querida toalla, querida sucia, fea, y sudorosa toalla, es tiempo de abandonarte, el tiempo te malgastó, yo te malgaste, asique aquí te dejo en plena solitud para que el viento te domine y dispongas de su compasión, me cansé, cada vez pesas más, como si estuvieras sobrecargada, como si estuvieras siempre mojada y yo me la paso escurriendote, pero vos estas igual. Me retiro de este labor, no es lo mío, abandono, SÍ, ABANDONO, perdón si esperabas que te llevara hasta la cima, pero tampoco voy hacia ahí, a este paso sólo pued llegar a la cima de los subsuelos, un zotano oscuro me espera con mis penas. Allí voy a deshagorme. Adios toalla.
Pride is a sin, but dissapointment is misery and Misery knows no mercy. They say that if you fall, its a matter of will to stand up and fight, to smile back and show them that you are better than that, they say falling is a part of life. Falling has become my life, my routine. I wake up with the wrong foot and try to deny, try to believe superstizion is a crime. But then I see their faces, they expect so much, they are eager for a celebration, a reason to survive. And I cant keep up, I used to be able to, I used to fight off the enemies and laugh at them ,now I find myself locked, deep in my skeptical thoughts, drop, drop, drop, time goes by and a second is a tear. I am a failure. I am lost. I cant stand them haunting me with their eyes like owls, this cubicle is getting smaller and smaller, the walls, pressuring, concise, more and more concise, these thoughts are narrower and I cant fight. And all I see is his childish smile wanting more from me, and all I can do is try.Cry. But I cant come out, and he dont understand, he dont know me that much,I never let them know very much, I dont want him to see, I dont want to scare him out. But this is me, my essence, I am a tragedy indeed. A comedy indeed.
I hate the fall.

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