Terminado el bautismo, me embarqué hacia el océano de la vida, con un deseo juvenil y apasionante de caminar desnuda en el agua y que me golpee hasta dejarme marcas, para hacerme alguien...Pero imposible era, ya tenía resabios de un rito prolongado. Llevaba una cadena de mi madre, la desconfianza de mi padre, y algunos amuletos coleccionados de los más cercanos, amuletos de fuerza como también de miedo. Desamuletos. Partí entonces, semi-protegida, detestando la carga de los resabios y el aliento de mis padres indicándome el camino. Lo único que hice fue correr hacia el otro lado, nunca muy arriesgado igual, siempre guardando consideración por aquellos atrás o creyendo que lo hacía.
Y en esa selva desenfrenada, en ese vasto teatro casi-terrorífico y carnavalesco, me encontré con vos,
pedazo de cielo.
Me invitaste al paraíso, para dejarme después
solo con un vago recuerdo.
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012
sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012
viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012
You are my wound.
Estás. En todos lados estás, en cada paso que doy, en cada uno que conozco y desconozco, vos estás. Ahí, latente, perenne, inolvidable. Como los cortes en los brazos de Andrea, no desapereces, como el tembleque del abuelo, vos reapereces cuando menos lo espero,como esa madre trabajando allá a lo lejos, en la distancia pero cuya voz no se deja de escuchar, como la locura de Eduardo, estas dormitando en los laureles para levantarte de las sombras con toda la furia y todo el poder de dejarme sin nada más. Nada más que un hastío, un repudio, un desgano completo por la vida. Vos sos mi herida. Vuelvo a vos, porque aunque cambie de nombre y rostro, de cuerpo y lugar, de vida y de muerte, la historia se repite. Soy siempre la segunda, porque me quisiste así, y porque me desquiero así. Mi vida es un sinfin de despedidas, o eternas bienvenidas a medio punto. Aunque te deje entrar, nunca voy a estar en el primer lugar, no lo estuve en el tuyo, no lo voy a estar en el de nadie. Sos mi marca.
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012
Necesito salir de este lugar, físicamente, mentalmente, espiritualmente. En todos los sentidos. Urgente.
Paris is a moveable feast
Cuando el tiempo pase y tu me olvides, silencioso vivirás en mi; porque de mis pensamientos, todos los recuerdos me hablarán de tí.
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012
Mi vida es un erial
flor que toco se deshoja;
que en mi camino fatal
alguien va sembrando el mal
para que yo lo recoja.
Al brillar de un relámpago nacemos
y aún dura su fulgor cuando morimos;
¡tan corto es el vivir!
La gloria y el amor tras que corremos
sombreas de un sueño son que perseguimos
¡despertar es morir!
Mi vida es un erial
flor que toco se deshoja;
que en mi camino fatal
alguien va sembrando el mal
para que yo lo recoja.
Al brillar de un relámpago nacemos
y aún dura su fulgor cuando morimos;
¡tan corto es el vivir!
La gloria y el amor tras que corremos
sombreas de un sueño son que perseguimos
¡despertar es morir!
Plan B
Sentada en la terraza en la que alguna vez estuve con vos
Contemplando el cielo
(que aunque no lo creas)
Es el mismo que observé con vos
Releo las cartas de hombres apegados
(a mi esencia)
Y le pido a este viento que con él me lleve
Porque a los que me amaron,
(si me amaron)
los dejé ir...
Por eso me encuentro lamentandome,
Creyéndome víctima de una soledad no deseada
porque alguna vez creí que fueron ellos
los que se fueron sin que les muestre la salida.
Creo, igual todavía
que fuiste el primero en decirme "chau"
y desde entonces mi vida es un sinfin de despedidas.
Supongo, ansío, espero,
que llegará el día en que dejes de irte
Incluso desde allá lejos, no dejas de saludar
Capaz que el día que te deje entrar
Y si ese día es el mismo que tengas ganas de quedarte para más
Capaz, nuestro sueño quinceañero deje de ser eso mismo.
Y tu serás mi realidad.
Contemplando el cielo
(que aunque no lo creas)
Es el mismo que observé con vos
Releo las cartas de hombres apegados
(a mi esencia)
Y le pido a este viento que con él me lleve
Porque a los que me amaron,
(si me amaron)
los dejé ir...
Por eso me encuentro lamentandome,
Creyéndome víctima de una soledad no deseada
porque alguna vez creí que fueron ellos
los que se fueron sin que les muestre la salida.
Creo, igual todavía
que fuiste el primero en decirme "chau"
y desde entonces mi vida es un sinfin de despedidas.
Supongo, ansío, espero,
que llegará el día en que dejes de irte
Incluso desde allá lejos, no dejas de saludar
Capaz que el día que te deje entrar
Y si ese día es el mismo que tengas ganas de quedarte para más
Capaz, nuestro sueño quinceañero deje de ser eso mismo.
Y tu serás mi realidad.
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
hey you.
A veces (siempre) te leo, solo para saber si todavía guardas algo de mí en los espacios mas recónditos de tu desordenada cabeza, solo para creer que hablas de mí en tus palabras. Y después caigo en la cuenta de que eso ya no importa, porque todos, todos siempre se van.
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012
Lo mas fino
Y esa noche le entregó su cuerpo, como la última ofrenda que tenía para dar.
Se entregó completa, habiendo dejado ya antes el corazón y el alma en ese cuarto,
y en algún otro capaz
Y a cambio, le pidió que la amara más de lo que ella podría amar en toda su vida
Pero su cuerpo para él era un paseo y no su tierra natal
El nunca estuvo ahí
Asique terminado el asunto, como todo hombre fino, se volvió a otro lugar
Habiéndole dicho tantas veces que ella era su hogar.
Así, ella hoy no es nadie. No es nada
Se entregó para ni poder quedarse sola, porque ni a ella misma se tiene.
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
te acordas de todos esos deseos de cumpleaños que le dedicamos especialmente a él?
de los tres que teníamos una vez por año, pedíamos que venga un ángel a salvarlo, a hacerlo bueno
porque asi de chicos eramos pero llenos de esperanza
y hoy me pregunto a donde fueron a parar
a quien le pedimos sin cesar
acaso van al mismo Dios del que todos hablan?
o hay un hada de los cumpleaños
que nos hace creer que por estar aca nos va a dar algo para sonreír
yo no sé, pero alguien alguna vez nos dijo que los deseos están para cumplirse
cosmos vende humo.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012
El reino donde se esconden tus excusas, a nadie le interesa ya en realidad. Las mentiras que tengas para explicar, son tan importantes como el eco que producen los insectos que te carcomen. Estuviste cientos de relojes y propagandas tratando de decodificar a los que te rodeaban, de entenderlos, de saber de que se trataba ser humano, pero no sabias que para ello tenias que mirarte al espejo, mirarte y contemplarte, amarte y odiarte, aceptarte. Inútilmente, comprendiste que todo aquello que alguna vez despreciaste, rechazaste y destruiste con tu lengua de doble filo, es todo aquello que desearías desprender de tu naturaleza, pero claro está, es tu naturaleza. Yo no sé si es de humano equivocarse, se que es de humano no conocer y a su vez conocer tanto que se aferra a lo primero que encuentra satisfactorio. Yo no sé si es normal escuchar consejos del diablo, pero muchas veces los sigo porque no me entiendo y simplemente lo hago por afán de ver un poco más, o porque tengo miedo a que alguien los use conmigo asique me aseguro de hacerlo antes. También creo que el hombre que no ve nada en una pintura, es porque no quiere ver o no cree que hay nada para ver, pero en el mundo hay tanto y vemos tan poco.
Uno busca lleno de esperanzas
el camino que los sueños
prometieron a sus ansias.
Sabe que la lucha es cruel
y es mucha pero lucha y se desangra
por la fe que lo empecina...
Uno va arrastrándose entre espinas
y en su afán de dar su amor,
sufre y se destroza hasta entender
que uno se ha quedao sin corazón...
Precio de castigo que uno entrega
por un beso que no llega
a un amor que lo engañó...
¡Vacío ya de amar y de llorar
tanta traición!
Si yo tuviera el corazón...
(El corazón que di...)
Si yo pudiera como ayer
querer sin presentir...
Es posible que a tus ojos
que me gritan tu cariño
los cerrara con mis besos...
Sin pensar que eran como esos
otros ojos, los perversos,
los que hundieron mi vivir.
Si yo tuviera el corazón...
(El mismo que perdí...)
Si olvidara a la que ayer
lo destrozó y... pudiera amarte..
me abrazaría a tu ilusión
para llorar tu amor...
Pero, Dios te trajo a mi destino
sin pensar que ya es muy tarde
y no sabré cómo quererte...
Déjame que llore
como aquel sufre en vida
la tortura de llorar su propia muerte...
Pura como sos, habrías salvado
mi esperanza con tu amor...
Uno está tan solo en su dolor...
Uno está tan ciego en su penar....
Pero un frío cruel
que es peor que el odio
-punto muerto de las almas,
tumba horrenda de mi amor-
maldijo para siempre y me robó...
toda ilusión...
el camino que los sueños
prometieron a sus ansias.
Sabe que la lucha es cruel
y es mucha pero lucha y se desangra
por la fe que lo empecina...
Uno va arrastrándose entre espinas
y en su afán de dar su amor,
sufre y se destroza hasta entender
que uno se ha quedao sin corazón...
Precio de castigo que uno entrega
por un beso que no llega
a un amor que lo engañó...
¡Vacío ya de amar y de llorar
tanta traición!
Si yo tuviera el corazón...
(El corazón que di...)
Si yo pudiera como ayer
querer sin presentir...
Es posible que a tus ojos
que me gritan tu cariño
los cerrara con mis besos...
Sin pensar que eran como esos
otros ojos, los perversos,
los que hundieron mi vivir.
Si yo tuviera el corazón...
(El mismo que perdí...)
Si olvidara a la que ayer
lo destrozó y... pudiera amarte..
me abrazaría a tu ilusión
para llorar tu amor...
Pero, Dios te trajo a mi destino
sin pensar que ya es muy tarde
y no sabré cómo quererte...
Déjame que llore
como aquel sufre en vida
la tortura de llorar su propia muerte...
Pura como sos, habrías salvado
mi esperanza con tu amor...
Uno está tan solo en su dolor...
Uno está tan ciego en su penar....
Pero un frío cruel
que es peor que el odio
-punto muerto de las almas,
tumba horrenda de mi amor-
maldijo para siempre y me robó...
toda ilusión...
Enrique Santos Discepolo.-
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
Oh l'amour, l'amour intempestif
No hay mejor tiempo que el tiempo
que me pone un segundero en cada encuentro
y lo escucho pero no lo creo
Será efímero el beso
pero eterno mi amor
y que me digan que enloquezco
y que vivo en un cuento
entenderán cuando vean que lo que tengo.
Capaz que si, capaz que esto es un sueño
y mañana me pellizcan y vuelvo
a este caos tan incierto
donde el tiempo corre y la vida pasa como si nada
y ya nada te apasiona y apresuras cada momento
pero yo me llevo el mejor recuerdo
esos minutos a tu lado
escuchando tu silencio.
Ya nada mas quiero.
Posdata. Creo haberte amado toda mi vida, amé en ellos lo que hoy amo en vos, odié en ellos lo que hoy no tenes vos, te amé sin conocerte sabiendo que quería amar algo así y hoy te tengo y te amo, y probablemente no deje de amarte.
Acá de vuelta. Un poco más crecida, pero la misma en fin o la misma nunca jamás. Me pidieron que me defina, y me costó un poco bastante, bastó con decir "soy indefinida o lo estoy y probablemente por siempre lo estaré". No sé, vieron que hay gente que dice que no se puede cambiar, que tenemos una naturaleza propia, pero no la construimos con lo que nos pasa y lo que hacemos? Y si nuestras acciones nos definen, si las cambiamos, también cambiamos nosotros. Que flash, no saber que sos. En fin, en mi intento de responder terminé por decidir esto:
Soy Delilah por default. Traiciono lo que amo una y otra vez, pero por qué empiezo con esto no sé, es justo lo que estoy tratando de cambiar, de a poquito me deshago de ese nombre tan particular. Estoy en estado de shock desde que me abrieron los telones al mundo, porque literalmente tuvieron que hacerlo, desgarrar un telón entero, abrirlo a la mitad, si fuera por mi no creo que hubiera salido jamás. Estoy traumada con la vida, y más traumada con que este trauma no se vaya más y no poder vivirla. Por más que no quiera, vivo (o respiro) para pedirle 'rainchecks' a la vida. O capaz esta es la vida misma y no es tan buena como la creímos, es como una comedia trágica, no, no, una muy sarcástica, una que se ríe de vos pero vos no te reís con ella, vos te moris por ella.No sé si lo hago bien, no sé si lo hago mal, no sé nada básicamente y me ahoga la incertidumbre que genera estar acá.Y bueno podría seguir y desencadenar una verborragia no muy linda a decir verdad, pero fiel a mi única certeza, dejo esto acá sin terminar, como todo lo que hago lo dejo a medias. Ah, le tengo miedo a la finitud. Eso era.
Soy Delilah por default. Traiciono lo que amo una y otra vez, pero por qué empiezo con esto no sé, es justo lo que estoy tratando de cambiar, de a poquito me deshago de ese nombre tan particular. Estoy en estado de shock desde que me abrieron los telones al mundo, porque literalmente tuvieron que hacerlo, desgarrar un telón entero, abrirlo a la mitad, si fuera por mi no creo que hubiera salido jamás. Estoy traumada con la vida, y más traumada con que este trauma no se vaya más y no poder vivirla. Por más que no quiera, vivo (o respiro) para pedirle 'rainchecks' a la vida. O capaz esta es la vida misma y no es tan buena como la creímos, es como una comedia trágica, no, no, una muy sarcástica, una que se ríe de vos pero vos no te reís con ella, vos te moris por ella.No sé si lo hago bien, no sé si lo hago mal, no sé nada básicamente y me ahoga la incertidumbre que genera estar acá.Y bueno podría seguir y desencadenar una verborragia no muy linda a decir verdad, pero fiel a mi única certeza, dejo esto acá sin terminar, como todo lo que hago lo dejo a medias. Ah, le tengo miedo a la finitud. Eso era.
martes, 27 de marzo de 2012
I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?
I used to live in a house, with walls and seilings and photos hanged around, I knew the way around and nothing surprised me cause it was my place. Many times I made the stupid mistake of complaining about the sense of confinement, I thought I needed to breathe new air, I thought it was stopping me from living the life that was meant for me but I never stood up for it, I never tried much. However, growth comes with an ounce of courage, and it hits you all of a sudden, it knocks you down, so you bounce inmeditaely, you just act, using this courage foolishly, rapidly, mindlessly. That day, the day that it hit me, I ran out, I flew away by the window and just ran, catching every opportunity I had to make something different, something I had not been able to do at that house, but I knew not that I could never go back home, knowing not that thas was my home. For a moment, I enjoyed the freshness of this new life, but in a few minutes it faded away with much more than my excitement. It took away my clothes, my face, my hands, I was nude out it the woods, with no walls or seilings, nothing gave me shape. There were no directions, so I kept on running in circles, finding myself stepping on the same stupid rock. There was no you, or her, or him. There was no one around, and I was mad because I thought you were not present, I was mad cause I thought I've done all for nothing, but at last I had done what would make me lose everything. When I tried going back home, I saw a house torn apart, I threw stones at it and burned it to the ground, the place in which I lived all my life, the house that gave me a name, a life, the ones that made me who I am, who I was, who I used to be. Who am I now?
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012
Why did you have to mess with forever?
"Said love was painted gold
like all thing growing old
the paint peels and slowly falls
You already know"
like all thing growing old
the paint peels and slowly falls
You already know"
Your world appears to me as a mistery in which I want to land and stay to discover what's inside, and yet with all my will, sometimes I feel its not enough to want you back, to need a peace of your life, to love you this much. I feel wrong and all the things I should love I hate and nothing seems to work. I'm endlessly craving for that that can hurt, while words are twisted from my mind to what I actually say, and again all is lost. Lately, the world me around me is changing so much, I see things I didn't know were true, I met people and confronted fears and questions I never thought I could, but still the mirror doesn't change, its says forever in my hand and you are there standing beside me, distant or close I can always hear you breathing but it's not true, it's just the mirror cause it can't be true, forever is not here and you are not even near. Vehemently, I break the image that is reflected only to run towards you and feel that it's not ended, but I as arrive to your island, my heart is done pumping, ,my body is done running, and I..and I wonder if anything is ever worthy, if anything could ever feel that real again.
A standing ovation, she laughs at the irony of her luck. She's got nowhere to go so she waits and drinks the salt water so she can keep on jeopardizing whatever effort they've been doing, she laughs and weeps inside, trying to spill the memories so she can say goodbye, but she's too thirsy so she just starts again and laughs. "Drink a little more girl and your thoughts will be gone" he said and took the other way.But she's not strong enough.
The first day of spring-Noah and the whales
It's the first day of spring
And my life is starting over again
The trees grow, the river flows
And its water will wash away my sins
For I do believe that everyone has one chance
To fuck up their lives
But like a cut down tree, I will rise again
And I'll be bigger and stronger than ever before
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
There's a hope in every new seed
And every flower that grows upon the earth
And though I love you, and you know that
Well I no longer know what that's worth
But I'll come back to you in a year or so
And I'll rebuild, be ready to become
Oh the person, you believed in
Oh the person, that you used to love
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
And my life is starting over again
The trees grow, the river flows
And its water will wash away my sins
For I do believe that everyone has one chance
To fuck up their lives
But like a cut down tree, I will rise again
And I'll be bigger and stronger than ever before
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
There's a hope in every new seed
And every flower that grows upon the earth
And though I love you, and you know that
Well I no longer know what that's worth
But I'll come back to you in a year or so
And I'll rebuild, be ready to become
Oh the person, you believed in
Oh the person, that you used to love
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
For I'm still here hoping that one day you may come back
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012
Everything is not broken
Truth is, I've been writing all this time, almost like letters to some unknown love, but I can't just send them cause it's never enough and it really is too stupid you will laugh, at the melancholic sorrows that I've spilled in these letters, so I'll save them for another life and maybe in another time, but not tonight. You know I can't love you enough but I can't want this, I can't want you in this life, not tonight.
martes, 14 de febrero de 2012
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012
This is me letting go. Putting down the mirror, letting go that face I used to know so well, so she can grow into something else. Not a bug whose sound is mearly heard, not a clown who paints himself a smile, but a woman whose footprints mean something bigger than herself, one whose voice is cherished in the crowd, one who is not afraid. This is me, staring at the past like the still image of ocean at dusk, when all the voices are silenced and the waves patiently withdraw as if they were ripping off the black sand that once darkened my bones.This is me drying off the remains of water in my mind, draining the heart out so it can breath in new air. This is my new year's eve. Some I'd like to have, but they'll always be on my mind. Some I still have, so I'll hold on to them the best I can. Some I will have, so I'll find the way to speak out and welcome them in my life. It's a big world, but we'll al be fine as long as we are not scared to say goodbye.
sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012
My my, well the wheels of life have turned
As you're standing on the edge
While you watch your past get burned
And your feet, they're standing still
but the little rocks they're falling
and they'd like to drag you down
And for a minute you think what it would be like to say goodbye?
You remember all those suns that never showed up
In the most unexpected times
When you were waiting for your life to start
You remember all those trees that seemed so wise
You see the man who used his scalpel to take them down
And they never fought, they never stood strong
You felt so betrayed, you felt the wheel needs to turn the other way around
And for each one that goes, there's a thousand who come
But in the end they all leave and what has this life tought you tonight?
The wheel is always turning right
But if it's infite, why do we have to die?
And why do we wander like ghosts with schemes tied to our hands?
And if the things we hate are the ones that threaten the things we love
Why do I loath you and still need you around?
And if a singer sings his heart
why does it feel like they're talking about us?
As you're standing on the edge
While you watch your past get burned
And your feet, they're standing still
but the little rocks they're falling
and they'd like to drag you down
And for a minute you think what it would be like to say goodbye?
You remember all those suns that never showed up
In the most unexpected times
When you were waiting for your life to start
You remember all those trees that seemed so wise
You see the man who used his scalpel to take them down
And they never fought, they never stood strong
You felt so betrayed, you felt the wheel needs to turn the other way around
And for each one that goes, there's a thousand who come
But in the end they all leave and what has this life tought you tonight?
The wheel is always turning right
But if it's infite, why do we have to die?
And why do we wander like ghosts with schemes tied to our hands?
And if the things we hate are the ones that threaten the things we love
Why do I loath you and still need you around?
And if a singer sings his heart
why does it feel like they're talking about us?
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012
Rise and fall, rage and grace.
If I could, I'd wrap myself in paper and glue, and paint it with the woman that's never blue, the one who can close doors and never open them back. But I was in love with a boy, a tender little toy, how could I be that woman on the picture that's hanging on my wall. But I fell for the wrong boy and how i thought. And I thought I could ask, maybe just ask if you could twist the knife back the other way around and maybe turn off the neverending verbiage that I swallow every night just so I don't have to let them fall, the drops in my face, the unspoken words, the secrets you've held and the feelings and regrets. And I thought I could ask, when will you turn into a man and maybe say goodbye, and maybe look down as if you really care, as if you really wanna apologize. But who am I? I'm just a girl, who fell in love with a boy and got jaded in the middle of his storm, I'm just a girl that played the game so I wouldn't feel alone. And he's just a boy, cold as a stone that you can't unriddle, and you will never figure,if it was all a dream, just a mere thought full of fantasy or only a story, a meaningless credulous story.
martes, 7 de febrero de 2012
All i want
Silver night, I hear your guitar
As I look for you in one of those stars
You wash me in poison and laugh in my face
But I'm still here and I'm staying just cuz I want to be near
Fiction made it seem so hard, saying goodbye
But the bricks that broke my head
They can never compare to your waving hand
I had to imagine because you couldn't come around
So I pretended to be mad
While I fell more and more into that scandalous sound
So come,come
Dare to come back
Wash me in poison and make me little
Look how I drown while I wish you were here
Only so I can see your face
and pretend, oh I will always be ready to pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
So I made you a song
But it lasted too long, and you had no choice
She was calling you home
You had your hips entangled in her legs
Couldn't seem to get out of bed
Cuz her body was a wonderland and mine a waste
So I pretended to be mad
While I fell more and more into that scandalous sound
So come,come
Dare to come back
Wash me in poison and make me little
Look how I drown while I wish you were here
Only so I can see your face
and pretend, oh I will always be ready to pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
So I burned the tape and saved it with a smile
But those words, they're never out of my mind
"She couldnt believe that someone would love her
without her trying" She couldnt believe
Well maybe it was all about her,
maybe you read and pictured her
But common now, you now I can pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
I'll be the girl that you need
Common you know I can pretend
Walk me home and I'll make myself blind
Whenever I see all them, who fit perfectly in your arms
So won't you let me pretend that I can be just like her?
As I look for you in one of those stars
You wash me in poison and laugh in my face
But I'm still here and I'm staying just cuz I want to be near
Fiction made it seem so hard, saying goodbye
But the bricks that broke my head
They can never compare to your waving hand
I had to imagine because you couldn't come around
So I pretended to be mad
While I fell more and more into that scandalous sound
So come,come
Dare to come back
Wash me in poison and make me little
Look how I drown while I wish you were here
Only so I can see your face
and pretend, oh I will always be ready to pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
So I made you a song
But it lasted too long, and you had no choice
She was calling you home
You had your hips entangled in her legs
Couldn't seem to get out of bed
Cuz her body was a wonderland and mine a waste
So I pretended to be mad
While I fell more and more into that scandalous sound
So come,come
Dare to come back
Wash me in poison and make me little
Look how I drown while I wish you were here
Only so I can see your face
and pretend, oh I will always be ready to pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
So I burned the tape and saved it with a smile
But those words, they're never out of my mind
"She couldnt believe that someone would love her
without her trying" She couldnt believe
Well maybe it was all about her,
maybe you read and pictured her
But common now, you now I can pretend
Whenever we are together, let's pretend
I'll be the girl that you need
Common you know I can pretend
Walk me home and I'll make myself blind
Whenever I see all them, who fit perfectly in your arms
So won't you let me pretend that I can be just like her?
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012
I remember the first time
You said you loved me
I waited all weekend
You never called me
So you find her attractive
So what if she is
You'd like some excitement
We could go to St. Kitts
So it goes
On and on
My love grows
And yours is gone
A lonely existence
Well it's just a lie
If there is a reason
I'd like to know why
Something I want you to know
I've told you this once before
Don't want you to see her no more
Once again
You've let me down
Broke my heart
And turned me round
There's a light in the darkness
It doesn't seem far
There's something the matter
That's brought us ajar
The plane goes down
Will not land
Pilot's dead
Nowhere to be found
Speed of Sound- Chris Bell
You said you loved me
I waited all weekend
You never called me
So you find her attractive
So what if she is
You'd like some excitement
We could go to St. Kitts
So it goes
On and on
My love grows
And yours is gone
A lonely existence
Well it's just a lie
If there is a reason
I'd like to know why
Something I want you to know
I've told you this once before
Don't want you to see her no more
Once again
You've let me down
Broke my heart
And turned me round
There's a light in the darkness
It doesn't seem far
There's something the matter
That's brought us ajar
The plane goes down
Will not land
Pilot's dead
Nowhere to be found
Speed of Sound- Chris Bell
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012
Over Elkin Avenue
The helium balloon, disappears into the sky
You give some money to a junkie
Watch as the sunny day drifts by
Can't tell you why
You said you loved me
And I kind of believe that
But these days who knows what it means
So we sat by the laundry matt with magazines and cigarettes
Talked about a million other things
These are the last words
I'll say to you
These are the last words
I'll say to you
I never saw the world the way the city looks me to today
I never thought the end would come this way
These are the last words
I'll say to you
Last night I dreamt that somebody had died
And it was one of us
I did the biggest thing that I could
But I was not enough
These are the last words
I will say to you
Last Words - The Real Tuesday Weld
The helium balloon, disappears into the sky
You give some money to a junkie
Watch as the sunny day drifts by
Can't tell you why
You said you loved me
And I kind of believe that
But these days who knows what it means
So we sat by the laundry matt with magazines and cigarettes
Talked about a million other things
These are the last words
I'll say to you
These are the last words
I'll say to you
I never saw the world the way the city looks me to today
I never thought the end would come this way
These are the last words
I'll say to you
Last night I dreamt that somebody had died
And it was one of us
I did the biggest thing that I could
But I was not enough
These are the last words
I will say to you
Last Words - The Real Tuesday Weld
viernes, 27 de enero de 2012
Encontrar a mitad de camino que el juego se dio vuelta y tus fichas son ahora las mías, es como tirarse a un vacío sin paracaídas y que el vacío entre en vos y vos seas impotente.
Mirar hacia atrás y entender que ese chico que tanto quiso sin un amor recíproco, sos ahora vos esperando que alguien responda a tu cariño, es como recibir un bala en el corazón, sentir el dolor y no morir.
Sentarse con los pies en la tierra y ver entonces que hay un camino correcto pero es el único que no podes tomar, eso es abstinencia. Ver el vaho en los rincones de tu cabeza e instalarme ahí aunque no me necesites, eso es no poder dejarte. Desempañar el vidrio y encontrar un bosque mas turbio que tus secretos, eso es buscarte, no encontrarte y aún así quedarme.
Saber que el juego se dio vuelta y buscar empatía para que no te escapes, eso es amarte. Y si todo terminó y estamos jugando, juguemos hasta que el jugo se acabe, soñaré que todo es real y por lo menos algo durará.
Mirar hacia atrás y entender que ese chico que tanto quiso sin un amor recíproco, sos ahora vos esperando que alguien responda a tu cariño, es como recibir un bala en el corazón, sentir el dolor y no morir.
Sentarse con los pies en la tierra y ver entonces que hay un camino correcto pero es el único que no podes tomar, eso es abstinencia. Ver el vaho en los rincones de tu cabeza e instalarme ahí aunque no me necesites, eso es no poder dejarte. Desempañar el vidrio y encontrar un bosque mas turbio que tus secretos, eso es buscarte, no encontrarte y aún así quedarme.
Saber que el juego se dio vuelta y buscar empatía para que no te escapes, eso es amarte. Y si todo terminó y estamos jugando, juguemos hasta que el jugo se acabe, soñaré que todo es real y por lo menos algo durará.
Learning to live. I
Who would have thought that the ties that were supposed to make them stronger, were only the mere cause of their weakness, of their pain. From an early age, they learned through experiences that they could only trust their families, that though they shouldn't think the worst of people, they shouldn't either rely on them. Both of them saw the way in which, each one of their closest friends grew apart with one slight mistake, they stumbled upon treason, upon mascarades that fell off the pretty faces once someone needed help. They felt the emptiness, the hollow growing inside of them and as much as it hurt them, they eventually understood that it was for the best, that loneliness could also mean growth of one self, and that their state of peace could only be leaked by the ones who deserve it. Until that someone arrived to their lives and the emotional rollercoaster was launched with no brakes. At first, none of them would let anyone come in, their eyes were veiled to the world, but somehow they were both drawn by the penetrating ideals of enduring love and romanticism, slowly they let their guards down, probably too slowly for their lovers to understand. But when they did, when they vowed to fully compromise, they sold their soul, knowing not that what looked like gold was only a picture that was already becoming a blur. And as soon as they got closer and closer, their lovers got further away, they treated them with pity, as if they were an obligation and not a choice, both of them gave up their lives for their lovers, while the lovers were trying to get a new life apart. By the time that they realized that being so attached was only so stupid and masochist if I may say, they were already too messed up, to caught up in a place where they saw no way out.
domingo, 15 de enero de 2012
If I was stronger
Baby you've got the sort of hands to rip me apart
And baby you've got the sort of face to start this old heart
But your eyes are warning me this early morning
That my love's too big for you my love
Baby you've got the sort of laugh that waters me
And makes me grow tall and strong and proud and flattens me
I find you stunning, but you are running me down
My love's too big for you my love
My love's too big for you my love
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
Baby you've got the sort of eyes that tell me tales
That your sort of mouth just will not say, the truth impales
That you don't need me, but you won't leave me
My love's too big for you my love
My love's too big for you my love
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
Tell me what to do to take away the you?
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no.
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
And baby you've got the sort of face to start this old heart
But your eyes are warning me this early morning
That my love's too big for you my love
Baby you've got the sort of laugh that waters me
And makes me grow tall and strong and proud and flattens me
I find you stunning, but you are running me down
My love's too big for you my love
My love's too big for you my love
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
Baby you've got the sort of eyes that tell me tales
That your sort of mouth just will not say, the truth impales
That you don't need me, but you won't leave me
My love's too big for you my love
My love's too big for you my love
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
Tell me what to do to take away the you?
And if I was stronger then I would tell you no.
And if I was stronger then I will leave this show
And if I was stronger then I would up and go
But here I am and here we go again
jueves, 12 de enero de 2012
Make me normal
Turn me around and make everything right
make me normal, from now on
Erased everyone I've replaced
In the end, they're all gone
make me normal, from now on
Erased everyone I've replaced
In the end, they're all gone
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