I wanna be the friend everyone looks for
Not the one looking for someone to be with
I wanna be the one they miss on weekends
and call late at night when they're not out
I wanna be the girl guys go for
The one they can also see as another friend
I wanna be the friend people would like to have
I wanna be the one who's not alone on a friday night
I wanna be the friend you invite during holidays
I wanna be the friend that knows the families
I wanna be the friend you always wanna be with
I don't want to look for people anymore
I don't want to wait until someone knocks on my door
Cause I know, no one will
Cause Im just a back-up
That's that I've always been.
Oye que bonito tu blog! Te invito a pasar por el mío y seguirnos, te felicito :) las imagenes es todo muy hermoso :)