Some people were not born this kind of life. I think most of us aren't. We eventually find ourselves committed to a life that we never wished, maybe others did meant it for us, but it was never in our minds to become lawyers fully compromised to the work, to become a bank manager that stays until 2 am in the office, to become a body that satisfies a system. The thing is many of us are limited by the fear of not being able to support a life with all its basic needs, many of us fear that one day that person that subsidies our life in material terms will no longer do that, many of us are limited by the expectations of our parents. Parents don't understand this "radical" kind of life, when you become a parent your happiness lies in the lives of your children, you want them to be happy, to be safe. Some prefer safe, and they believe that strength for this type of system, for this world, strength is build with a title, with a job, with money enough. Everyday, as I take a leap into the future, as I approach the day that I will take a step on my own, I fear more. I fear that I will not live a happy life, that I will live they life they wanted me to, and eventually become depressed about it and lose all motivations, and just live to die. Or I fear that I will not satisfy my parents, that I will not make them happy, that I will not do the sacrifice they've made for me all my life. I fear life.