miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010


And, after all, what is a lie? 'Tis but
The truth in masquerade.

Don Juan, Lord Byron

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010


"I'm gun's and roses, love. I've got an apetite for destruction."

jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

te perdí

te volviste un lunático

uno qe no logro entender

que busco y busco pero no hay salida de tu piel

estas frío como las noches de ayer

tus labios palpitando en furia y dolor

yo ya no sé que hacer

queda en tus manos

queda en las manos de Dios

pero las mías se rinden a este juego vicioso

antes de que te vuelvas parte de lo qe mi sed ansía

antes de que me envuelva en tu locura, en tu cordura

antes de que muera en plena batalla

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

We might as well be strangers.

Vos de nuevo.
Yo de nuevo estúpida.
Vos de nuevo
Y yo... estúpida como siempre.
Incertada en mis recuerdos, me encandilan las luces, me aturden las carcajadas, el sol me quema, todos los dolores desvanecen, las caras benévolas mueren, gracias, y las decepciones,gracias, las estrellas me sonríen porque la noche reina en otro lado, el aullido del mar alienta los sueños, escucho "vos podes", la escucho a mamá llorar, lo veo a papá irse envuelto por la ira, el sol me quema, y en el barullo y golpeteo de recuerdos te veo a vos. Todo se vuelve borroso menos vos.
Y ahí estas. Pegado a mí.
Quiero correr, quiero correr al lado del tren.
Quiero que me empujen y mas rápido, más rápido.
Quiero que mis recuerdos se vuelen por la rapidez.
Quiero que el viento congele mis pensamientos de una vez.
Es demasiado! Poco tiempo, poco espacio.
Nunca sé que hacer.
Y además de correr, quiero abrazarte.
Pero como lo hago a la misma vez?
Sos vos, siempre fuiste vos el que me hizo escribir.
Solo vos, leo una y otra vez y sos vos.
Te quiero a vos, quiero congelar este momento para siempre.
Pero quiero volver, quiero estar en paz y vos sos paz,
pero cuando saltás, saltás y no emanas más serenidad.
Solo me cansas, no vos, la historia.
Por qué no puedo dejarte ir?
Te hago mal, lo sé pero sigo acá.
Te voy a lastimar, no quiero pero sé que va a pasar.
Sé que un diá voy a volar y no vas a estar más,
porque me voy a alejar, como suelo hacer para después volver,
Pero esta vez no quiero volver, quiero encontrar un lugar. Mi lugar.
Estoy bien sola,la soledad me basta, no me lastima porque traigo memorias,
no me duele por que ya fue, ya tuve, y tuve y me encanto. Como también me dolió.
Entonces prefiero no tener, prefiero estar sola. Solo ser.
No aparentar, no llorar, no dejarme llevar, no influenciar ni dejarme influenciar.
Solo ser. Perdón.

Goodbye Alice in Wonderland.

Me estanco en la incertidumbre y ya no sé que hacer, nunca supé, solo soñé y soñé a escondidas hasta que cada tanto grité. Y cuando gritaba me rebotaban balas que insultaban a mis sueños a más no poder, hasta que se chocaban con la pared y (SMASH!) caían como ceniza que no vuelve a renacer.
Odio no poder, odio no animarme. Quién sos? No te reconozco, te perdí, sí es eso, me parece que te perdí. Me parece que ya me descubrí. La tragedia me enamora.Nada más que la tragedia, por eso me acerco a vos y en acto de resistencia me alejo sabiendo por dentro, que eso te hace volver y mejor, mejor para mí, porque significa MÁS tragedia. Exagero. Siempre lo hago, me hace bien.Y sigo exagerando hasta que el cielo me lo impida (dare you to stop me), pero mientras tanto disfruto, disfruto del dolor. No creo ser masoquista, no quiero ser masoquista, soy sólo yo. Pero a veces todo lo que digo se revierte en contra mío, porque ni sé quien soy ni por qué, entonces desde cuando digo sólo soy yo.
Necesito un puente, rápido, un puente y un cofre asi guardo todo, lo empaco para que desaparezca y rocío el río con mis penas como polvo de muerto que se esparce para olvidar. Necesito cruzar ese puente y que del otro lado haya solo OTRO lado. (Resalto OTRO) Un horizonte, descubrirlo, conocerlo, me gusta la lejanía. Flores, arbustos, juegos, no mejor no, mejor nieve, el frío me acompaña siempre, es mi fiel seguidor o mi triste esencia, no lo sé, por que no sé quien soy y menos ahora que estoy del OTRO lado y empiezo a ser OTRA persona. Otro ambiente. Mejor, mejor.. Mejor calles? Bueno no importa, no importa por que se trata de mí, quiero que se trate de mí, quiero que lo externo deje de afectar en lo que quiero ser, en lo que algún día seré si sólo me acompañarías en vez de nadar contra la corriente, mi corriente. Qué mierda hago? Me cansé, nunca sé que mierda hacer, ni a quien ..lo que sea, lo que sea que tenga que seguir, esto no es lo mío, nada es lo mío, solo lo que otros quieren o no que sea o , y así me olvidé quien soy.
Quiero crecer, ojalá me acorralaran las sonrisas de hace años y me endulzaran por la eternidad, ojalá me arrastraran para atrás, para no volver, para no ser lo que soy. Pero las agujas solo corren para la derecha. Así quiero creer que voy a crecer, que voy a ser, que algún día voy a poder y que el cielo va a llorar en mi ausencia, y las flores van a decaer pero los demás van a entender que fui quien quería ser, que sentí.Algún día voy a sentir.

domingo, 18 de julio de 2010

Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well that's what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep on going.

Neverland is just a dream away.

Hook: And now, Peter Pan, you shall die.
Peter: To die would be an awfully big adventure.

Wendy: Peter... I should like to give you a kiss.
[Peter holds his hand out]
Wendy: Don't you know what a kiss is?
Peter: I shall know when you give me one.

Captain Hook: Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience... and pimples.

Mrs. Darling: There are many different kinds of bravery. There's the bravery of thinking of others before one's self. Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor fired a pistol, thank heavens. But he has made many sacrifices for his family, and put away many dreams.
Michael: Where did he put them?
Mrs. Darling: He put them in a drawer. And sometimes, late at night, we take them out and admire them. But it gets harder and harder to close the drawer... He does. And that is why he is brave.

Fuck Stereotypes.

Trevor: Kids can be the most ruthless people in the world. They can just be supernaturally cruel. You've got to be a man! Be a man! BE A MAN! Sometimes you just wanna cry. Sometimes hate is the only real thing in the world. You can stop loving someone, but hate seems to go on forever. People respect hate. It speaks, it vibrates. Some people don't even need a gun to hurt you. They use words or laughter. They enjoy watching you bleed to death. They get off watching you fighting back the tears, getting a lump in your throat, blushing, wanting to cry, and they give you a name: Trashcan, pizzaface, loser, faggot, loser, weirdo, spaz, retard. You know the name does something to you. It changes who you are, it alters your molecules and one day you wake up and you look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself anymore, because you believe them. They win you lose. You wanna cry, please leave me alone, but nobody listens, because nobody cares, because you don't have a name anymore because they took it away.

Trevor: Sometimes I hate living, but i'm too afraid to die.

Val: Just because I cast you as a bad guy doesn't mean you have to play the part.

-Bang, bang! You're dead.


I was made into a disguise,
Changing changing into spinning lies
Changing for an atmosphere that doesn't seem my house.
I was made into a two-faced coin looking for crime
My homicide was changing for you,
If you loved me as I was, then why alternate into this piece of crap?
I am now, my worst and most evil enemy.
and now you're looking at me, whispering insults of betrayal
that should be coming out of me.
Screaming things you don't really mean,
don't really feel," I still love you like this."
But inside memories fade
as you see I’m not the same girl than yesterday
You mourn in desire for a new sensation,
You don't want any explanations
You're desperate for a new road,
new smashing thoughts of a mysterious lady
one that will once again drive you crazy
`Cuz I’m no longer that one,
`cuz time ago you complained I didn`t have what it takes
Now that I bought it from some ex-friends
and stole my mother's purse
just for you, and no other than you...
You don't want me back.

I don't wanna play the game, I just want you.

They didn't ask for a new game

They weren't expecting feelings involved

They didn't know they'd eventually come to love

Cause they never saw each other as something they would want…

But twists are for real

It's like a movie, but you can still feel

and you can still cry cause it's for real

and its taking away their lives

Its eating them inside cause they lost the sparkle they once had.

He was they guy they all wanted,

Like predators they haunted her,

And day to night

She heard them say

The guilt was hers and she did not belong with him.

She was just a young naive girl,

Attached to pressure all the way along,

Carrying the burden of love for others but never for herself

And she kept all the crying for the night time

Cause her friends would be too far away, too busy, or yet too little comprehensive listen.

Cause her family would see her too young to complain, too sensitive to truly understand, too caught up in the emotion of youth to see reality as it comes..

But inside her dreams awaited to come out,

her thoughts were desperate to prove she was right

to show that in her mind, she held the bigger picture no one did

And like no one did, he heard her

Unlike the world she lived in, he laughed with her.

And unaware of the controversy this game would bring,

they sealed their love with a one perenne kiss

and so the story begins…

Cause twists are for real

It's like a movie, but you can still feel

and you can still cry cause it's for real

and it’s taking away their lives

it’s eating them inside cause they lost the sparkle they once had.

Cause all the fight they got into,

just doesn’t make sense anymore somehow,

Somehow the destiny they appealed disappeared with her dreams and his sanity

And all their memories together vanished

Somehow they lost in their own game.

Never lay down your love

Noah I am no one special. Just a common man with common thoughts. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.

Allie Mmm-hmm… most of the time I have all these thoughts bouncing around in my head, but with a brush in my hand, the world just gets kinda quiet.

I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah

Noah: Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone.

-The Notebook


In a perfect world, you'd be the king of freedom and I'd be the queen of serenity…
We would be like birds that wake up just to feel the breeze, rest to live our dreams, live to fly…
We would be a quiet ocean, waving silently through storms,
standing still though everything around was wrong..
In our perfect world, you would love me and I would be compelled to leave everything for you
So common, call me tonight, make of this moment the perfect night
Lie to me if so is what it takes to take a leap for love.


We are all born to be something

to achieve a certain goal

God gives a unknown mission

disguised in scenes of tragedies

or stories valued in gold

We are all born in thoughts of thoughts

illusions of innocent minds

or plans of a couple

for tomorrow

when they don't even know

if they'll last that long.

The world is full of wannabes,

sinners and prayers who claim

truth is not what we see,

singers and fakers,

lovers and law-breakers



unvalued by the master minds

the sons of Him,

brothers of Adan

sisters of Eve


contamination, discrimination

secret unions

alterators of imaginations

creations of creations

deaths with no guilt.

What have we created?

What have we done

if it's not for human pleasure?

What do we value more than a silver treasure?

Not an African life

Not a bears' existence

Not a flower in autumn

No, not our own person.


people living on the streets

a 5 star hotel, poppin champaigne

they are all the same

we all got the same fate.

try to escape or not,

try to ask from freedom

when all you need is wisdom

our destiny He has wrote

it's a world disguised in colours

now controlled by monitors

turn the music on

as loud as it can go,

you'll still hear his voice

saying `boy, it's time to go`

"Welcome to the new life"

Ironic how an end it's just a new start

At least we all wanna make sure it is so

but how do we really know?

One wish, not to die

a second,meet THE one

a last wish,love me till i die

Oh men are we brainwashed?

why are we so wrong?

some complain so much

but still they fear their last breath is near,

some live to the fullest

and die young,

some live to survive

"that's the wrong life" would say the wise.

That old man comes around,

looks weak,inside he's deep

acknowledged as Him

tells the story of his life

boys are astonished

one started to cry

the novel reached their hearts

but the next day

the minds corrupt them to go on

live the common way

disappear after years...

Wise man vanishes in memories

the idea he brought

"die to become a legend" fades

between the lessons of parents

and old stories they read to sleep.

We are humans

we make mistakes

and learn or other wise regret

Is that why we fear so much death?

the idea of ending something

we are not really appreciating

Is it because we reflect death as the end?

as a limit? the last boundary?

Many people love to

croos boundaries,

others love just to have them

but when we know there is only one left

we become scared

is that so?

why aren't we a whole

if God created as with soul

damn we are the sole

representation of contradiction

we made the world out of science fiction

then we say the priority is religion

but we've become discomfort with our own control.

A year later, I am a whole new me

Still think the same about the shit we've made

But I'm willing to dream

To destroy society to just be

Who I want to be

I'm willing to let myself fly with the wind

And trust that it will take me where I need to be

I'm willing to have hope

And only now I know, Soon

Freedom will be our only pace.